Camilo Leite de Hollanda

DSC01943 Sanitary and Environmental Engineer by Federal University of Santa Catarina in August 2009, currently I have devoted myself to drafting projects on Water and Territory Governance for sustainable development.

Continuing the work of Mrs Aline Matulja, we apply the Governance Model of Water and Territory in the process of planning and management of solid waste. This application was part of the Project Social Technologies for Water Management in the city of Urubici – SC, and resulted in my monography, entitled “Strategies for Governance of Solid Waste in the City of Urubici – SC.”

Interests: Governance of Water and Territory, Planning and Management applied to the Sustainable Development, Participatory Management Methodologies, Social Technologies, Solid Waste, Agro-ecological and organic food production, Payments for Environmental Services, Social Management of Watersheds, GIS and Participatory Mapping, among others.

Lattes Curriculum – Camilo Leite de Hollanda

Monography: Estratégias de Governança em Resíduos Sólidos no Município de Urubici-SC (brazilian portuguese only)